Question Regarding Updating of New Content

I am creating a meditation website.

I will be adding new meditation process content regularly.

Will new content update on the apps in Apple and Google stores, or will I need to resubmit each time?

Hi Carl.

Welcome to AppMySite Community and thank you for sharing your query.

All the apps created on our platform are updated in real time with the changes made to your website. You do not need to manage and update the content on both the website and app separately.

Making edits to your website content does not require your app to be resubmitted to the app stores.

The only times you would be required to rebuild and resubmit the app will be changes made on the below components of the app:

  1. AppName
  2. App Icon
  3. Splash Screen
  4. Social Login Enable/Disable
  5. Notifications Enable/Disable
  6. Code Version Updates on Apps

We hope this answers your concern.

Feel free to look through our Knowledge Base for more information:

Hello @Bennett, thank you for the list of updates that would require a rebuild. I’m checking to confirm that an update to the bottom bar navigation would not require a rebuild, correct? It would be updated in real time when the app communicates with appmysite servers? I’ve changed the URL for one of my bottom bar icons, and I’m waiting for it to update in my app. Thanks for any information you can provide!