Bottom Bar Navigation Content Not Updated

It seems that the bottom bar are not updating the content everytime an item in that bar is clicked. For example, if I clicked on “Directory” it switches like a tab instead of refetching the page. Shouldn’t the menu icons always refetch the page when they are clicked?

I mean it could be for cache purposes but it’s not ideal especially if cookes or localstorage keys are being stored. It should always refetch the page and NOT just to re-show the initially loaded page.

Hello there,

Welcome to AppMySite Community. Thank you for sharing your query!

The app set as WebView fetches data from website pages. To optimize performance and app speed, certain parts of the pages downloaded in previous instances are saved in the app’s cache memory.

The app’s page must be refreshed manually to refresh the cache and download the latest content from the website. If the pages are not manually refreshed, it will automatically fetch the updated data on its own after every few seconds.

This functionality is based on the design of web-to-app-based apps. However, the apps are built using a native interface, are constantly in sync with the website, and may not need a manual refresh to show the updated cart values.

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