Wordpress plugin desconnected


The connection between our Wordpress website and AMS has stoped working. Anyone else?


Yes, Actually I just noticed too, as I’m troubleshooting… Privilege Verification Failed… and I’m getting a Draft result on my build attempt.

Hi @Zayn and @Julie_Blackburn_LCPC

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

The connectivity issue between your WordPress website and AMS was a temporary issue on our end, and it was promptly fixed. There should no longer be any connectivity problems, and your app should now work smoothly.

If you experience any further issues or need assistance, please feel free to raise a support ticket at https://app.appmysite.com/email-support/ and our team will be happy to help.


Thank you for the update. Unfortunately, this still isn’t working for me. When I visit the AMS plugin on my website, I see that the license key is no longer there. I copied it from the AMS dashboard and pasted it into the plugin on our website, but I’m still getting an error.

The error message: “cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 5002 milliseconds”

I’ll email your support team and hope to receive a response. However, I haven’t received any replies from your support team regarding my other issues.

Kind regards,

I also got the below error a few days ago. I reported the issue through email and allocated ticket ID is 177061 , but no one replied or fixed the issue. The problem is still there.

The error message: “cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 5002 milliseconds”

Hi @Nuwan_Malintha

Thank you for raising a ticket regarding your issue. We appreciate your patience and trust in our support team.

Please be assured that our team is reviewing your request, and we will get back to you after the weekend with a resolution.

If you have any further information to add, feel free to reply to this email, and it will be included in your ticket.

Thank you again for your patience.

My connection is resolved, thank you.

Hi support and other users,
I have a similar issue going on now since around October 10th and I totally lost connectivity since then till to date. Tickets were raised and live charts done but without a breakthrough.

Note: After some serious troubleshooting, I observed some underlying issue that might be the route cause of the connectivity failure and the cURL error 28 that I’m also getting.

  1. The AMS plugin seems to be no longer compatible with the latest versions of WordPress & WooCommerce as can be seen in the image below :point_down:.
  2. The current valid WordPress version as at posting this is Version: 6.6.2, but AMS-plugin compatibility is currently limited to up to Version: 6.5.5.

  1. Note: If for some reason you do a full site purge like I did, you are unlikely to retain connectivity until this compatibility issue has been resolved with an urgent plugin update. Alternatively a relatively older site restore could do the trick.

Any suggestions or corrections are welcome.

Thank you for this information! What a wonderful observation! I started having the connectivity issue when I needed to deactivate/reactivate plugins to find a problem. Thank you!

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That was exactly the situation we had here. You nailed it.

However, AMS support advised us to exclude their public IP address from our Imunify360 to solve the issue. We had no choice but to do that, even though our hosting company mentioned that this might not be a permanent solution. They agreed that we could do this temporarily to resolve the issue (now the plugin works).

(Imunify Security keeps your servers safe and running and leave all anti-malware activities to Imunify360.)

A permanent solution would be for AMS to configure their plugin to be compatible with the latest version of WordPress in first place, and also so we wouldn’t need to exclude their IP address.

Kind regards,

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