Does appmysite require Internet connection?

I have a website that supports html5-offline mode of using it. It works stable even after refreshing the page in offline.
I’m curious if appmysite requires constant Internet connection or I can place all the content-assets to the ‘native’ part of the app and load web-assets via manifest file?

Hi @Sanya_Nikulin

Thank you for reaching out with your question!

Apps built on AppMySite currently require an active internet connection for all features to function as intended. This is because the app fetches data in real-time from your website to ensure it remains up-to-date and aligned with your website’s content.

That said, we understand the value of an offline mode, especially for scenarios where uninterrupted access to certain features is important. We’re happy to share that our team is working towards introducing offline functionality in the future. This would allow the app to operate with a limited set of features even without an active internet connection.

We appreciate your patience as we work to enhance our platform, and we’ll be sure to keep you informed as we roll out updates. If you have any other questions or suggestions, feel free to let us know.


I’ve received an email that offline access feature is now available which can be activated from the settings page.
But when I navigate to that page, I do not see such option.

Hi @appster

Thank you for reaching out to us!

We’re excited to share that Offline Mode is now available, but it is currently offered only with our Premium Subscription plan. Additionally, this feature is applicable to the following platforms:

  1. WordPress to App
  2. WooCommerce to App
  3. Custom App

Please note that Offline Mode is not available for the Website to App platform at this time.

If your app is built using the Website to App option, the toggle for Offline Mode will not be visible. Should you wish to explore upgrading your subscription or migrating to one of the supported platforms, feel free to reach out, and we’d be happy to assist you further.

Let us know if you have any additional questions!