Hide website’s header & footer

Why is it not possible to hide my website’s header & footer in the app?
I only want to show the App menu.

Jag har testat using web views och header & footer försvinner alldrig!
Jag har till och med avaktiverat alla plugings och det blev samma resultat.


whats the url ? its probably because ur footer and header are not linked properly and APS cant find them to exclude.


Here is the link:
Islamiska Förbundet

I think the functionality to hide the website’s header and footer is only available in the home screen webview. If you only wish to show your app header and footer on other screens, i would suggest you disable webviews.

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What’s your app called? Is it yet published? I’d like to see what you’re talking about and how it’s still showing with those settings selected.

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Hi @1948_05,

Have you tried reaching out to any of the support channels for assistance?