Detecting / adding a unique User Agent for the in-app browser

Hey everyone, I am wanting to display certain pages or posts in from my website using my websites theme, but i want to be able to hide the header and footer. I’m using the Divi theme and it has the ability to add display conditions to show or hide sections/rows/modules etc based on browsers and devices. With the help of a developer I’ve been able to add a custom browser agent to the list and want to know if the AppMySite app has an already existing custom user agent attached to its in-app browser (and if so, what is the user agent ID) and if not, is it possible to have a custom user agent added/created. If this can be done than I will have much greater control over the layout of embeded and fully styled divi pages and posts within the appmysite app.


Yes, I’m trying to find out the same thing. What is the User-Agent name so I can style target the style of my site for users that are using the app.

Do you have any notice for this? or cheat for doing this? I was trying with iframe detection but doesn’t work… I’m trying to hide my burger menu

Hope there will answer on this one soon

I have the same question, I have a javascript that helps me detect the user agent, I know appmysite add something because they attach the version number.

If you can help us with this, we can add custom modifications on the site depending on if the user is navigating directly in browser or via appmysite APP.

Hi @sworby

AppMySite primarily focuses on converting websites into apps by leveraging plugins and APIs, ensuring compatibility with various themes and functionalities. While we don’t typically support custom user agents or specific theme integrations beyond our standard capabilities, we continuously evolve our platform based on user feedback and introduce new features regularly.

If your Divi theme integration via a plugin is not fully compatible with our platform, you can explore embedding your pages and posts using webviews within the app. This approach allows you to maintain the appearance and functionality of your website content while adapting it for mobile app usage.

Please note that we generally do not accommodate custom requests unless deemed necessary by our technical team, and such customizations may involve additional charges. If you have specific requirements or further questions, our support team can provide guidance based on your app’s needs.

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